Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The GreenZoner World/El Mundo GreenZoner

Luk had mentioned yesteday, that GreenZoners community deserve for their own world, where free gifts come daily, just selected peoples are invited and GreenZoners could buy things cheaper, smarter and make our real world greener at the same time. World need to have its own time and date. That’s why today we have introduced gzDates to measure time in gzWorld.

Luk menciono ayer, que la comunidad GreenZoners merecen su propio mundo, donde los regalos gratis sean diarios, solo personas selectasson invitadas y GreenZoners (Miembros) pudieran comprar cosas mas baratas y hacer nuestro mundo mas verde a la misma vez. Este mundo deve tener su propia hora y fecha. Por eso introducimos gzDates ( FechaGZ) para medir el tiempo en el gzWorld(MundoGZ).

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